Number comprehension

In this exercise, numbers between 1 and 100 are written in their word form. You are required to type the corresponding numeric form in the text box. For e.g., zwanzig = 20; hundert = 100. This exercises provides extra practice in understanding numbers in German, and is especially useful while watching television or listening to conversations.


Example: sechs = 6 - zweiundvierzig = 42

1.) elf = , dreiundzwanzig =

2.) zweiundzwanzig = , siebenunddreißig =

3.) zwölf = , achtundneunzig =

4.) achtunddreißig = , siebenundachtzig =

5.) zwölf = , achtundsiebzig =

6.) zweiundvierzig = , fünfundneunzig =

7.) vierundfünfzig = , dreiundvierzig =

8.) fünfundzwanzig = , zweiundsiebzig =

9.) einundsiebzig = , zweiundzwanzig =

10.) Vierundachtzig = , neunundsiebzig =

11.) siebenundsechzig = , achtundvierzig =

12.) zweiundfünfzig = , sechsundvierzig =

13.) dreiundneunzig = , einundsechzig =

14.) dreizehn = , einundachtzig =

15.) zweiunddreißig = , siebzehn =

16.) neunzehn = , dreiundsechzig =

17.) siebzig = , siebenundvierzig =

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